lunes, 14 de mayo de 2012

The Life of Charles Dickens in less than 5 minutes (BBC)

For my students of 4º and 2º E.S.O who are reading books written by Dickens , for students who need to practise listening skills, for teachers who may use this video in class and for literature lovers.

Choose two questions and answer them: 

1) What can you say about Charles Dickens's family? 
2) What was his first job? 
3) Mention unusual things about the life of Charles Dickens 
4) Which countries did he visit? 
5) Why did his marriage with Kate end? 
6) What happened with "Our mutual friend", one of his most famous works?
7) When did Charles Dickens die and why?
8) Write the name of some of his most famous works 
9) Did you like the book you read in class? Why? Why not? 
10) Why is Dickens such an important author? Write your opinion 

8 comentarios:

  1. 2)Your first work.
    He worked in ''warren's blacking factory''with leveling bottles.
    He went live in Britain (London) in 1822.
    He travelled America, in 1842.
    Jhennyfer Martins. 3ºA

  2. Me ha costado mucho entender el video .Losiento profe

    1. It may be a little difficult for you.. but I'm sure you understand something!!

      Do you think Charles Dickens was a happy man??

  3. 1) Charles Dickens was born on 7th of February in 1812, his parents were John and Elizabeth Dickens. He was the second of 8 children, only six survived to adulthood. His father was a ship's officer and always spent a lot of money.

    7) Charles Dickens died at his home on 9th of June in 1870, at 58 years old of a heart attack. After having a serious train accident.

  4. teacher, about the raven.... I think that charles had a raven like a pet and the people invented a lot of histories about him because he was famous.
    I'm Sonia.

    1. That's right Sonia.. He was such a weird man that he had a raven as a pet.
      By the way, do you know the difference between HISTORY and STORY?

  5. the video is very interesting and entertaining,i liked.
    Belen search beez in the trap

  6. Diego!

    Thank you for posting the video!

    Melis told us that beez is an informal way to say bees and trap is trampa.

    See what I found!

    Anyway, the song is very weird!!!
