viernes, 25 de mayo de 2012


Multilingualism (plurilingüismo)  refers to the use of two or more languages by individuals or speech communities. Simultaneous multilingualism occurs when,  in a family , a parent speaks one language and the other parent speaks another language. Consecutive multilingualism occurs when education plays a major role. Multilingualism has led to heated debates among linguists. Why? 

This article deals with the concept of multilingualism , its advantages and disadvantages. The article is written in Spanish and the author also analyses the multilingual programs that schools are implementing here in Spain. 

- Do you think multilingualism is possible in Spain?
- Is multilingualism dangerous? 
- Do you think an individual can master three languages equally? 

El plurilinguismo se refiere al uso de dos o más lenguas . Puede acontecer en familias si se hablan dos lenguas (la madre una y el padre otra) o puede darse en contextos educativos (cuando se enseña en la escuela uno o dos idiomas). Este artículo, escrito en español, habla de todo lo que rodea a este concepto. Os animo a leerlo y a opinar

sábado, 19 de mayo de 2012

In the pub

Have you ever been to a British pub? If you have, find the information which is not true about British pubs. Find 8 mistakes in the text. (they are not grammar mistakes! you have to find 8 things that are false about English pubs).  

Last week I went into my local pub. It is just around the corner from where I live. It is called the White Hart and has a sign outside with a bunch of flowers arranged in a heart shape. The landlord is a good friend of mine and over the years has earned a large amount of money from me. I sat at my usual table and he came over me to ask what I wanted to drink. I asked for a half litre of beer as it was a very warm day and Fred, that is his name, brought it to me. As it was not very busy I went to a shelf where the daily paper is kept and selected the local town evening newspaper. There was not very much new in it and I had soon read it. After I had finished my first drink two friends came into the pub so I ordered a bottle of white wine for the three of us and we began to play bridge. Two hours later I was quite merry and had lost some money so I asked for the bill, paid and walked home. 

  • Do you like pubs? 
  • What are the differences between Spanish and English pubs? 
  • Why are they so typical in England? What can you do there? 

For students , teachers and English lovers

                                          * A beautiful pub in Brighton (England) . I went there last summer.  

lunes, 14 de mayo de 2012

The Life of Charles Dickens in less than 5 minutes (BBC)

For my students of 4º and 2º E.S.O who are reading books written by Dickens , for students who need to practise listening skills, for teachers who may use this video in class and for literature lovers.

Choose two questions and answer them: 

1) What can you say about Charles Dickens's family? 
2) What was his first job? 
3) Mention unusual things about the life of Charles Dickens 
4) Which countries did he visit? 
5) Why did his marriage with Kate end? 
6) What happened with "Our mutual friend", one of his most famous works?
7) When did Charles Dickens die and why?
8) Write the name of some of his most famous works 
9) Did you like the book you read in class? Why? Why not? 
10) Why is Dickens such an important author? Write your opinion 

jueves, 10 de mayo de 2012


The exam period is coming and most of you have final exams. In English, one of the most difficult exams for you is the ORAL EXAM. The oral test is an opportunity for you to demonstrate your knowledge and your ability to communicate. Some friends and students asked me for tips to prepare an oral exam and I thought it would be interesting to share my ideas with all of you. 

Se acercan los exámenes finales. Uno de los que más asusta es el examen oral: el momento en el que hay que demostrar lo que se sabe siendo capaz de comunicar algo. Como varios amigos y alumnos me han pedido que les de consejos para estos exámenes que vienen, sobretodo en las Escuelas Oficiales, os dejo aquí mis ideas para que las podáis compartir. 


1) Revision of topics: Think of all the possible topics you may be asked to talk about. That would depend on your level but you have to review all the topics you have dealt with throughout the school year: health, fashion, education, technology.. etc. Make a list of possible topics and prepare vocabulary and expressions you may need to talk about them. 
For instance: education (private/state schools, compulsory/non-compulsory subjects, teacher, lecturer, students, subjects, civil servants, quality...etc) . The purpose of this is that you review vocabulary related to as many topics as possible. 

2) Revision of grammar: Review the grammar structures you have studied. Remember that the more you use the better. It is not the same to do an oral exam using only present simple than to include a comparative, a conditional...etc. 

3) Practice! : You are supposed to have practised a lot of speaking before the exam. However, keep on practising with your partners, friends, native speakers or even if you are alone in your room, in front of the mirror. Fluency and spontaneity are as important as grammar correctness. 

4) If you think you are going to be very nervous, relax and take  a tila :) 


1) Relax! : Although you feel nervous, you have to pretend to be relaxed and confident. The teacher wants to see a student who is able to speak and communicate something rather than a student who is a bundle of nerves. It may be difficult but in an oral exam you must keep your wits about you. It is one of the most important things. 

2) Be natural, fluent and spontaneous. For a teacher it is more important that the student knows how to communicate a message than the fact that he/she makes grammar mistakes. Show that you are able to communicate and speak fluently. 

3) To do an oral exam it is good to know some recurrent sentences  you can always use. 

Monologue: If you have to speak about a topic: 

a) Always introduce yourself: Good morning, my name is ........ I am studying English in       Valencia. I am a teacher/student... Tell the teacher a little bit about yourself 

b) If you are asked to talk about a given topic, always emphasize the relevance of this topic. For example, if you have to speak about new technologies, say something like this: 
Nowadays, new technologies are very important . We always make use of them. More and more, teenagers use mobile phones everywhere and for everything..... (the importance of this topic in today's society) 

c) Then, if it is possible,  mention advantages and disadvantages. There are advantages like... However... 

c) Give your opinion and tell something about your life. In my opinion, the use of new technologies is not always positive because... For example, when we were younger...  

d) Finish the monologue in a polite way : Thank you very much for your attention 


In the interactive part, there are things you should bear in mind: 

a) The teacher evaluates your interaction,  so let your partner speak as well. Don't be selfish! 

2) A dialogue is a conversation, so use sentences to interact such as: Do you agree with this?/ I don't agree with your opinion/ I am afraid I can't do that/  what do you think about...?/ What about that? Make sure the communication is flowing. 

3) The dialogues have to finish with a final decision. Most of the tasks are about deciding something with your partner. Therefore, the teacher is waiting for that final decision. Use sentences such as So, what should we do?/  I think we could do.../  Let's make a decision because.. 

4) If your partner says : Let's meet at 4:00 pm. Don't say yes. Try to speak more:  I'm afraid I can't because I have an appointment with my doctor.. Try to develop your answer and avoid yes/no answers. 


1) Smile, greet the teacher,  be confident and speak. Silences and long pauses are dangerous
2) If you don't understand what the teacher says, don't be afraid to ask. Sorry, can you repeat? Sorry, I didn't understand 
3) There is nothing wrong in correcting the mistakes you make

If you want to know more things or more specific things, leave a comment and I'll try to help! 

Si alguno de vosotros quiere esta información en castellano que me lo diga y la traduzco. O si no entendéis algo, decírmelo. 

martes, 8 de mayo de 2012

Oferta Empleo


Se ofertan plazas  para recepcionistas en el parque marino de Benidorm MUNDOMAR. El requisito más importante es UN NIVEL ALTO DE INGLÉS. Si estáis buscando trabajo y tenéis un aceptable nivel de inglés mandad el CV. No perdéis nada y puede que ganéis algo! Si alguien está interesado que contacte conmigo y os proporciono más datos. 

If you are looking for a job and you have a high level of English, contact me. There are vacacies for receptionists in Mudomar (Benidorm). 

lunes, 7 de mayo de 2012

One word- two meanings

Think of a word that suits both definitions. Encuentra la palabra que corresponda a ambas definiciones

1. not left /correct -----> RIGHT 

2. something to read/ to reserve  ----->   BOOK 

3. not warm/ a slight illness ----->  COLD

4. a small amount of liquid/ to let fall -----> DROP 

5. everything is ok/ punishment for speeding or parking -----> FINE

6. to sack/ very hot situation -----> FIRE

7. nice and friendly/ a sort of something -----> KIND

8. to put a finger on a button/ the papers -----> PRESS

9. not first/ unit of time -----> SECOND

10. a group of words/ to send to prison -----> SENTENCE

11. open space for a market/ geometric shape -----> SQUARE

12.  blonde/gentlemanly at sport -----> FAIR

Can you guess the words? Give it a try and leave a comment!

miércoles, 2 de mayo de 2012

A la venta las típicas cabinas de Londres

Las tradicionales cabinas telefónicas rojas que todavía se ven en algunas calles de la capital del Reino Unido podrán ser adquiridas por cualquier ciudadano por el precio de 1.950 libras (unos 2.340 euros), según informa este viernes el periódico The Times. Según el diario, la compañía BT planea deshacerse de 60 cabinas dlondrel modelo "K6", producido en 1936 para conmemorar el 25 aniversario de la coronación del rey Jorge V. 
Es la primera vez desde los años 80, década en que se privatizó la empresa originalmente pública, pone a la venta las históricas cabinas, que fueron diseñadas por el arquitecto inglés Giles Gilbert Scott y sirvieron de auténtico icono británico. Aunque Scott odiaba el color rojo en que fueron pintadas, su diseño se hizo muy popular entre el público y actualmente algunas de estas viejas cabinas en desuso, algunas donadas por BT a entidades sin ánimo de lucro, son reutilizadas como centros de información, "esculturas" o pequeños establecimientos comerciales, como minicafeterías o pequeños pubs.
Ahora se puede comprar un icono del diseño del siglo XX para la casa o el jardín o como regalo para alguien que ya lo tiene todo", dijo al periódico la directora del departamento de cabinas telefónicas de la multinacional, Katherine Ainley. En los años 60, había 70.000 cabinas del modelo "K6" en el Reino Unido, que progresivamente fueron sustituidas por nuevos modelos. Actualmente, quedan 11.000 de esas cabinas rojas en todo el país, y hay otras 51.000 de un tipo más moderno instalado por BT, muchas de las cuales generan pérdidas por el descenso del uso tras la implantación masiva de los teléfonos móviles. El País