jueves, 13 de diciembre de 2012
White Doll, Black Doll. Which one is the nice doll?
martes, 11 de diciembre de 2012
APAVAC stands for Associació de Professors d'Anglés de València, Alacant i Castelló. It's an organization that was founded a couple of years ago by some English teachers who wanted to share ideas, experiences , exchange material and provide further training for foreign language teachers.
Last month, the second conference was held at IES Luis Vives and the slogan was "KNOW HOW, KNOW WHO". We attended conferences about motivating activities that can be used in class. There was also a flea market where you could exchange secondhand books and publishers were there to offer textbooks for all levels. It was a nice day where I saw old friends and colleagues, learnt new things and ... I got three new books to read!
viernes, 30 de noviembre de 2012
Comparatives and Superlatives
Watch this video and pay attention to the use of comparative and superlative structures. Do you understand all of them? Do you agree with these people?
Now it's your turn! Answer these questions writing a comment below. Ready?
1. What is the most interesting place you have been to?
2. What subject are you worst at school? and best?
3. What is the tallest building you have been to?
4. Who is the strangest person you have met?
5. What is the most serious problem in the world today?
6. What is the most delicious thing you have recently eaten?
miércoles, 14 de noviembre de 2012
Thanksgiving Day
In the 17th century, pilgrims emigrated from England to New England (North America) and took their traditions with them . One of their traditions was Thanksgiving Day, a day in which they thanked God for all the good things they had (specially food at that time). From that moment, Americans have been celebrating this feast to thank God for all the blessings and possessions they have.
Thanksgiving Day is traditionally a day for families and friends to get together for a special meal. The meal often includes a turkey, stuffing, potatoes, cranberry sauce, gravy, pumpkin pie, and vegetables.
The day after Thanksgiving, that is Black Friday is the day of the biggest sale of the year. There are various deals and offers that one can avail on Black Friday that is falling on 23rd November this year. One only needs to be an early bird..
Thanksgiving Day parades are held in some cities and towns on or around Thanksgiving Day. Some parades or festivities also mark the opening of the Christmas shopping season.
Thanksgiving as we know it today is celebrated mainly in Canada and in The United States.
Thanksgiving is celebrated in the States every fourth Thursday of November. The following day is the Black Friday where people usually go shopping and do not neither work nor study. Some people have a four-day weekend so it is a popular time for trips and to visit family and friends
Do you know the meaning of the words in bold?
miércoles, 7 de noviembre de 2012
Job Interviews : Dos and Don'ts
The topic of this week in class is "Job Interviews". We are revising how to make questions if you interview someone for a job and we are also practising appropiate answers if you are interviewed for a job. I uploaded this video with more information about dos and dont's in a job interview. Watch it the times that you need and answer the questions below. We will talk about it in class, so take notes!
1. What should women wear in a job interview? Do you agree with this?
2. What is the appropiate answer for "tell me about yourself"?
3. What can you say when you are asked about your weaknesses? Refer to the video
4. Write an example of inappropiate questions.
5. What is a resumé?
Answer these questions and we'll correct them in class.
Get ready for the interviews that we are role-playing tomorrow!
martes, 6 de noviembre de 2012
1 year of Amantes del Inglés
One year ago, I wrote my first post in this blog. It was a post about Halloween traditions and specific vocabulary. This post was written in order to see how this worked but I did not write again until three or four months later. Meanwhile I worked with the layout, the different pages , the content and I started to build an audience.
I am concious of the things that need to be improved and I also want to introduce new ideas. However, my most important goal has been accomplished: writing about what I really love and raise the interest of someone. I will be changing the design and the contents little by little until I create what I have in mind. Although I like new technologies and I use them daily, creating a blog was a big challenge for me that seemed very difficult at the beginning. However, with a lot of work and time, I came up with this final product.
This blog is a bit different from what already exists in the net. I did not want to create a blog with grammar exercises or lists of vocabulary. I wanted to make the readers be in contact with the English language through the reading and listening of interesting activities, facts, articles, news etc. It is a place for English learners and lovers. Sometimes I write in Spanish because that way, many people who do not feel condident enough with the language can follow me and participate.
The process of creating a blog and maintaining it has been succesful up to now. However, I would like to thank all the people who have helped me in this long and exciting process: those friends who write and read me from time to time, those friends who became members and helped me promote the blog among their contacts, family members specially Alma and Lochcup, students who read my posts but feel shy to leave a comment, those students who do leave comments, colleagues, facebook and twitter followers and those anonimous people who daily comment and read my posts. Without these people, this project wouldn't have been possible.

miércoles, 31 de octubre de 2012
martes, 30 de octubre de 2012
Con carácter mensual, un grupo de estudiantes de origen estadounidense se reunirán con estudiantes de inglés como segunda lengua en un ambiente distendido, con actividades idiomáticas y tentempiés, para hablar en ambos idiomas durante una hora.
¿QUIÉNES PUEDEN HACER ESTOS CURSOS? jóvenes a partir de 18 años
¿CUÁNDO? miércoles 7 de noviembre
¿A QUÉ HORA? de 19.30h a 20.30h
¿DÓNDE? en el C.M.J. Algirós, C/ Campoamor, 91. 46022 Valencia. Telf. 963 525 478 ext. 7117 – 7109.
EMT: líneas 1 - 31 - 32 - 81 Metro: línea 5
¿QUÉ CUESTA? gratuito
¿FECHA DE INSCRIPCIÓN? consulta calendario en la web
¿QUIÉN LO IMPARTE? Fundación F.S.U. Programas Internacionales.
¿QUIÉN LO ORGANIZA? Concejalía de Juventud
martes, 23 de octubre de 2012
Los exámenes del A2 que se realizan en los IES ya no los elaborarán los profesores de inglés
Hace dos años, se decidió que los profesores de inglés de los institutos de Secundaria, Bachiller y Ciclos Formativos elaboraran los exámenes oficiales del A2 siguiendo las pautas de las Escuelas Oficiales para así examinar a los alumnos y permitirles obtener el certificado oficial. Después de mucho pelear, parece ser que todo vuelve a su cauce y será la Consellería quien se encargue de preparar estas pruebas que seguirán teniendo lugar en los centros educativos de secundaria y bachiller.
martes, 16 de octubre de 2012
Uno de los debates más comunes que tienen lugar hoy en día en el ámbito de la enseñanza de lenguas extranjeras es si los profesores deben ser nativos o no. ¿Cuáles son las ventajas e inconvenentes de tener profesorado nativo? ¿Y de tener profesorado no nativo? ¿Es necesario que un profesor sea nativo para enseñar inglés bien a sus alumnos? ¿Cuáles son tus experiencias? Te invito a leer este artículo y a compartir tu opinión con nosotros.
Leer artículo de www.elpais.com "Profesores nativos, sí, pero sobre todo expertos" en la siguiente dirección:
Is it better to have a native teacher or a non-native teacher when learning a foreing language? This has been the centre of heated debates among learners, linguists and language users for decades. What are the advantages and disadvantages of having a native teacher? Is it necessary for the teacher to be native to teach English properly? Tell us about your experience and your opinion.
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