miércoles, 9 de noviembre de 2016


Last week, we met a group of Dutch students in our school. They study VET (FP) in a school called  De Rooi Pannen in Eindhoven (Holland). They study tourism and they learn how to work as receptionists, tourist guides or travel agents. One of their subjects is Spanish. It's necessary for them to study a foreign language if they are going to work in tourism. As part of their course, they usually visit Spain once a year. 

We showed them our school. We did some presentations about our classes and studies. Then, we worked in groups to do a speaking activity in order to get to know each other. Students asked questions such as "Where are you from?" "Where do you live?" "How old are you?" "What is the most popular festival in your country?". After the speaking task, we played together. The group that built the highest tower of spagetthi won. 

We had a great time and I think students could use English to communciate in a funny way.

 Did you like the activity? What was the most difficult and easy parts for you? 

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5 comentarios:

  1. Lucía Nohales13/11/16, 22:49

    I liked the activity much.
    In my opinion the most difficult part was the hour to understand them, since they have English as a second language and Dutch as their native language.
    There were words that did not understand. Despite that, we were able to communicate with them and they knew how to answer. I was surprised because they asked us a question in Spanish. And the easiest part was the time to make the game because we got together a lot.
    Regarding the organized activity, I want to say that I really like this kind of exchanges of a few hours. You always learn something and at the same time you work in English. I would like to make an exchange since you can increase your level of English.
    I think that in all schools there should be exchanges, from children of 10 years to children of 17 years, because you are working the language daily and listening to it.

    1. yes, if exchanges were a part of our educational system, the level of our students and their motivation would be higher. I'm glad you liked it!!

    2. yes, if exchanges were a part of our educational system, the level of our students and their motivation would be higher. I'm glad you liked it!!

  2. Yolanda Llopis23/11/16, 21:43

    In my opinion, this activity is very important to learning a lot of things about another languages. I like meet new people and talking about their daily routines. In Spain at schools could learning a lot of hours of English, for speaking very well in the future.
    I agree with my partner in her opinion. :)

  3. Elizabeth Domínguez18/11/19, 14:00

    I would really like to do an activity like this one here on our school, in Faitanar. I think t's so enriching for foreign and native students, we can learn a lot about each other and the language we both speak. Also, share experiences and good times. We can also show them the school and what we do dy by day in class. Maybe the rest of the mates like the idea and are agree. It would be really cool and interesting in my opinion!! I hope we can join in near future some similar activities with people from other countries and cultures.
