jueves, 3 de enero de 2013


Are these statements TRUE or FALSE? 

1. American people celebrate Guy Fawkes Night on November 5th every year. 
2. The British open their Christmas presents on December 24th. 
3. The fourth of June is a public holiday in America. 
4. American children celebrate Halloween more than the British children. 
5. In Britain the Queen has two birthdays. 
6. The Day after Christmas Day is called Boxing Day in Britain. 
7. January 6th is not a holiday in Britain or America. 
8. St. David is the patron saint of Scotland. 
9. St. Patrick's Day is a big day in USA. 
10. Americans call their November holiday Thanksgiving in memory of the first succesful harvest of the second group of pilgrims in 1621. 

1F/ 2F/ 3F/ 4T/ 5T/ 6T/ 7T/ 8F/ 9T/ 10T

Did you know all of them? Which one was the most surprising for you? Do you know the reasons why they are true or false? Leave your comments! 

2 comentarios:

  1. Why St Patrik's day is a big day in USA? I knew it was a big day in Ireland but not in USA...

    1. Good question! St.Patrick is the patron of Ireland and in the United States there are a lot of Irish immigrants (Irish people who emigrated to the States to have a better life). Therefore, American people celebrate St.Patrick's day in March with parades and festivals.
